Postdoctoral Position in Neuroscience: Memory, Perception, and Predictive Processing
One postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Aleena R. Garner at Harvard Medical School in the Department of Neurobiology https://www.garnerlab.hms.harvard.edu/ to conduct research in one of three areas:
1) Circuit mechanisms of multisensory perception and the role of long-range projections in cortex.
2) The neural circuitry and computations that underly how the brain’s internal models of the world and stored memories interact with incoming sensory information to create perceptions and predictions.
3) Neural pathways that allow an animal to move in response to sensory stimulation and plasticity in these pathways that can be manipulated to alleviate neurodegenerative diseases and neurodevelopmental disorders.
The Garner lab uses mice and makes use of many techniques in chemistry, biology, optics, computer science, behavior, and psychology to address our questions. We engineer virtual realities for empirical control of animals’ worlds and sensory environments and use an array of genetic approaches to tag, monitor, and manipulate neural circuits. We use 2-photon calcium imaging to probe neural dynamics as animals perceive, learn, and move their bodies.
Harvard Medical School (HMS) is a vibrant, interactive community with many opportunities for career support and wellness for postdocs (for more info. see https://postdoc.hms.harvard.edu/). HMS compensates postdoctoral fellows using an internal pay scale based on years of experience, starting at $65,000 at Level 0.
Required Qualifications
Experience in 2-photon imaging, wide field imaging, or electrophysiology
Programming proficiency in Matlab, Python, or Labview
Experience working with animals for research
Preferred Qualifications
Experience in immunohistochemistry and confocal imaging
Experience working with live rodents
Experience in stereotaxic surgeries
Experience working with genetically modified viruses
To apply, email Dr. Aleena Garner
Please include a CV or résumé and cover letter (one page max) describing 1) your experience in physiology, 2) programming languages in which you have experience and your fluency, 3) why you are interested in this position.
Diversity, Inclusion, & Unity
We value individual uniqueness and aim to bring together a diverse group of colleagues to build a strong, supportive team.
We welcome individuals from all backgrounds.
We look forward to helping you pursue science with confidence, creativity, and integrity while defining and achieving your scientific and professional goals.
Are you interested in joining our team?
Undergraduate students
Please email Dr. Garner your CV and a short description of your research interests.
Graduate students
Please email Dr. Garner regarding a rotation.
Please email Dr. Garner your CV, a short description of your research interests, and contact information for 3 references.